
Lateral Movement With Cobaltstrike

In this short blog, we revisit the realm of Cobalt Strike and explore the somewhat undocumented advantages of utilizing HTTP(S) listeners during lateral movement over typical or traditional approaches involving SMB pipe and reverse TCPs listeners. We’ll also learn how to use HTTP listeners instead of SMB/TCP for simulated red teaming operations....

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Perspective HTB Walkthrough

Perspective Perspective machine on HackTheBox, submitted by w1nd3x. The machines start from a web server, running IIS. Eventually, it led to admin panel hijacking, using misconfiguration in forget password functionality. We exploit insecure upload functionality, leading us to get the web config and XXS. Later we get all the important fields to e...

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Set THM Walkthrough

Set Set is a 90 points machine on TryHackMe developed and created by 4nqr34z and Omarbdrn. The Initial Foothold is about finding usernames and password spraying; later, we grab the NTLMv2 hash using responder, crack it, and get a Winrm session. For root, we exploit Veeam One Agent Service, by customizing Metasploit’s exploit. Later in the walk...

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